Authentic Thai Iced Tea Recipe: Unveiling the Secrets of this Refreshing Drink

Thai Iced Tea is a delightful and refreshing beverage that originates from Thailand. It is known for its unique blend of flavors, combining strong black tea with sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk. By following a simple recipe, you can recreate this delicious drink at home.

To make Thai Iced Tea, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Black Tea Leaves
2. Sweetened Condensed Milk
3. Evaporated Milk
4. Sugar
5. Water

The process of making Thai Iced Tea involves a few simple steps:
1. Brewing the Tea: Steep the black tea leaves in boiling water until well-infused.
2. Sweetening the Tea: Add sugar to the brewed tea and stir until dissolved.
3. Adding Milk: Pour the tea over a glass filled with ice cubes, leaving room for the milk.
4. Serving and Presentation: Drizzle sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk over the tea, creating a beautiful layered effect. Stir gently and enjoy!

While the traditional Thai Iced Tea recipe is delicious on its own, there are also variations you can try:
1. Thai Iced Tea with Coconut Milk: Substitute evaporated milk with coconut milk for a tropical twist.
2. Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls: Add chewy boba or tapioca pearls to the drink for an added texture.
3. Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly: Include coffee jelly cubes for a flavorful and unique twist.

For the best results, here are some tips and tricks to consider while making Thai Iced Tea:
– Use high-quality black tea leaves for a robust and authentic flavor.
– Adjust the sweetness according to your preference by adding more or less sugar.
– Stir gently when adding the milk to create a beautiful layered effect.

Now you can enjoy the refreshing and delightful taste of Thai Iced Tea in the comfort of your own home.

Ingredients for Thai Iced Tea

Ingredients for Thai Iced Tea - thai iced tea recipe

Photo Credits: Www.Teamastershub.Com by Roy Campbell

Looking to whip up a refreshing glass of Thai Iced Tea? Well, you’re in luck! In this section, we’ll dive into the essential ingredients that make this beloved beverage so delightful. From the robust flavor of black tea leaves to the silky indulgence of sweetened condensed milk, each component plays a vital role in creating that perfect balance of flavors. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds as we explore the key players: black tea leaves, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, sugar, and water.

1. Black Tea Leaves

When making Thai Iced Tea, the first essential ingredient is black tea leaves. Here are some important details to know about black tea leaves:

  1. Black tea leaves are the base of Thai Iced Tea and provide its distinct flavor.
  2. The tea leaves used are typically Assam tea or Ceylon tea.
  3. These black tea leaves undergo a withering and oxidation process before being dried.
  4. Black tea leaves have a robust and bold flavor, with a slightly malty or fruity taste.
  5. In Thai cuisine, black tea leaves are often used for making both hot and cold beverages.
  6. The color of brewed black tea leaves is dark amber or coppery red.
  7. Black tea leaves contain caffeine, which provides a natural energy boost.
  8. The brewing time for black tea leaves is generally around 3-5 minutes.
  9. Black tea leaves are rich in antioxidants, which have various health benefits.

When making Thai Iced Tea, it is important to use high-quality black tea leaves to ensure a full and flavorful taste.

2. Sweetened Condensed Milk

The role of sweetened condensed milk in Thai Iced Tea is crucial as it adds a creamy and indulgent flavor to the drink. Below is a table illustrating the key details about sweetened condensed milk:

Ingredient: Sweetened Condensed Milk
Description: A thick and sweet milk-based product made by removing most of the water from regular milk and adding sugar.
Usage: Thai Iced Tea recipes typically call for 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk per serving.
Advantages: Sweetens the tea while adding a creamy and rich texture.
Alternatives: While sweetened condensed milk is the traditional choice, alternatives such as coconut milk or almond milk can be used for a vegan or dairy-free option.

This information provides a clear understanding of the crucial role of sweetened condensed milk and its effect on enhancing the taste and texture of Thai Iced Tea. Whether you follow a traditional recipe or explore alternative options, the choice of sweetened condensed milk can greatly influence the overall flavor profile of the drink.

3. Evaporated Milk

Evaporated milk is an essential ingredient in making Thai Iced Tea. It adds a creamy and rich texture to the tea, enhancing its taste and overall experience. When using evaporated milk in Thai Iced Tea, it is important to use the right amount to achieve the perfect balance.

To showcase the importance of evaporated milk in Thai Iced Tea, here’s a table highlighting the quantity of evaporated milk required for the recipe:

Ingredients Quantity
Evaporated Milk 1/4 cup

By adding 1/4 cup of evaporated milk, you can achieve the desired creamy and velvety texture in your Thai Iced Tea.

Evaporated milk not only contributes to the taste and texture of Thai Iced Tea but also provides essential nutrients. It contains essential vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D, which are beneficial for bone health. So, while enjoying the refreshing and delicious Thai Iced Tea, you’re also getting a boost of nutrients.

Remember, the quantity of evaporated milk can be adjusted according to personal preference. If you prefer a lighter flavor, you can reduce the amount, and if you prefer a creamier taste, you can add a little more. Experiment with different amounts to find your perfect balance.

Evaporated milk plays a crucial role in enhancing the taste and texture of Thai Iced Tea. Adding 1/4 cup of evaporated milk will give you a delightful, creamy, and satisfying beverage. Enjoy the richness that evaporated milk brings to your Thai Iced Tea!

4. Sugar

The sub-topic “4. Sugar” can be presented as a table with appropriate columns and data.

Sugar Amount Instructions
Granulated Sugar 2 tablespoons Add granulated sugar to the brewed tea and stir until dissolved.
Simple Syrup 2 tablespoons If preferred, use simple syrup instead of granulated sugar. Add it to the brewed tea and stir until incorporated.

When making Thai Iced Tea, sugar plays a crucial role in balancing the flavors and adding sweetness to the drink. Two common options for sweetening the tea are granulated sugar and simple syrup.

To sweeten the tea with granulated sugar, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the brewed tea. Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will ensure that the sweetness is evenly distributed throughout the tea.

Alternatively, you can use simple syrup as a sweetener. Replace the granulated sugar with 2 tablespoons of simple syrup. Simple syrup is a mixture of equal parts water and sugar that has been heated until the sugar is fully dissolved. Adding simple syrup to the tea provides a consistent and easily blendable sweetness.

The choice between granulated sugar and simple syrup depends on personal preference. Both options result in a deliciously sweet Thai Iced Tea.

5. Water

When preparing Thai Iced Tea, water plays a critical role in the entire process. Here are several important factors to keep in mind:

1. Quantity: To brew the black tea leaves, you will need an ample amount of water. For a single serving, it is recommended to use approximately 1 cup (8 ounces) of water.

2. Temperature: Prior to adding the tea leaves, it is essential to boil the water. The ideal temperature for brewing black tea is around 200°F (93°C).

3. Quality: To ensure the taste of your Thai Iced Tea remains unaffected, it is advised to use filtered or purified water, eliminating any potential impurities.

4. Steeping Time: Once the water reaches a boil, remove it from the heat source and add the black tea leaves. Allow the tea leaves to steep in the water for approximately 4-5 minutes in order to extract the desired flavor.

5. Cooling: After steeping, it is important to allow the tea to cool down before proceeding with the rest of the recipe. You can achieve this by refrigerating it or letting it sit at room temperature until it reaches a suitable serving temperature.

To enhance the taste and quality of your Thai Iced Tea, you can also experiment with flavored or infused water. For example, you may choose to brew the black tea leaves with herbal or floral-infused water to add a unique twist to your beverage. Furthermore, using chilled or iced water during the final steps of the recipe ensures that your Thai Iced Tea is both refreshing and perfectly chilled.

Always remember that the quality of water significantly impacts the overall taste and flavor of your Thai Iced Tea. Therefore, it is essential to make a wise choice and adhere to these tips for optimal results.

Steps to Make Thai Iced Tea

Steps to Make Thai Iced Tea - thai iced tea recipe

Photo Credits: Www.Teamastershub.Com by Juan Young

Mastering the art of creating a refreshing glass of Thai Iced Tea is easier than you think. In this section, we’ll take you through a delightful journey as we unveil the steps to make this popular beverage. From brewing the perfect tea to achieving the ideal level of sweetness, adding just the right amount of milk, and finally presenting it in an irresistible manner, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to concoct a truly authentic and delightful glass of Thai Iced Tea that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Bangkok.

1. Brewing the Tea

To brew the perfect Thai Iced Tea, follow these steps to successfully achieve the brewing process:

  • Begin the process by bringing water to a boil in a pot.
  • Add the desired amount of black tea leaves to the boiling water. It is recommended to use 2 tablespoons for every 4 cups of water.
  • Allow the tea to steep for a duration of 5-10 minutes based on the strength you desire.
  • Once the tea finishes brewing, strain out the leaves using either a fine-mesh strainer or tea infuser.
  • Take ¼ cup of sugar and add it to the hot tea. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. This measurement is usually applicable for every 4 cups of tea.
  • Allow the sweetened tea to cool down until it reaches room temperature.
  • After the tea has cooled, proceed to transfer it to a pitcher. Place the pitcher in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours, ensuring it becomes suitably chilled.

Pro-tip: To enhance the flavor, consider incorporating a small quantity of ground spices such as star anise or cardamom into the tea while it’s steeping. This will provide your Thai Iced Tea with a unique and fragrant touch. Savor the refreshing and flavorful outcome of your brewing process!

2. Sweetening the Tea

To sweeten the Thai Iced Tea, follow these steps:

  1. Once the tea is brewed and strained, incorporate sugar according to your taste preferences.
  2. Start with a small amount of sugar, about 1-2 tablespoons, and stir well to dissolve.
  3. Taste the tea and adjust the sweetness by adding more sugar if desired.
  4. Continue stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Here are some additional suggestions:

  • If you prefer a less sweet tea, begin with a smaller amount of sugar and gradually increase until the desired sweetness is achieved.
  • In case you want a sweeter tea, add more sugar, but be careful not to make it overly sweet.
  • For a healthier alternative, you can utilize natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of sugar.
  • Make sure to stir the tea well after adding the sweetener to ensure it is evenly distributed.

3. Adding Milk

When making Thai Iced Tea, adding milk is an essential step that significantly contributes to its luscious and lively flavors. Here is a straightforward guide on how to incorporate milk into your Thai Iced Tea:

  1. Pour the brewed tea into a glass or serving pitcher.
  2. Add sweetened condensed milk to the tea. The quantity may vary depending on your preference for sweetness. Commence with 1-2 tablespoons and adjust according to taste.
  3. Thoroughly stir the tea and sweetened condensed milk together until they are well blended.
  4. Next, pour in evaporated milk. Once again, the amount can be modified based on personal preference. Initiate with 1/4 cup and supplement more if desired.
  5. Continue stirring the tea until the milk is evenly incorporated throughout.
  6. Introduce ice cubes to the glass or pitcher to cool the tea and provide it with a revitalizing chill.

Fact: The addition of milk to Thai Iced Tea not only enhances its creamy texture but also helps to harmonize the robust flavors of the tea, culminating in a well-rounded and gratifying beverage.

4. Serving and Presentation

  1. Choose the right glass: Thai Iced Tea is traditionally served in a tall glass with a wide opening, enhancing its visually pleasing presentation.
  2. Add ice generously: Fill the glass with plenty of ice cubes to create a refreshing sensation, perfect for hot summer days.
  3. Pour gently: Slowly pour the prepared Thai Iced Tea over the ice, allowing it to mix with the cold temperature of the ice cubes. This not only cools down the tea further but also creates a beautiful layered effect, enhancing the overall serving and presentation.
  4. Garnish with a straw and mint: Enhance the presentation by adding a colorful straw that complements the vibrant hue of the tea. Additionally, garnish the top of the glass with a small mint sprig, adding a refreshing touch to the overall look of the Thai Iced Tea.

Variations of Thai Iced Tea

Variations of Thai Iced Tea - thai iced tea recipe

Photo Credits: Www.Teamastershub.Com by Frank Flores

Get ready to take your Thai iced tea game to the next level with an exploration of its delicious variations. Brace yourself for a refreshing tour where we’ll uncover the secrets of Thai Iced Tea with Coconut Milk, indulge in the chewy delight of Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls, and treat our taste buds to the unique twist of Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly. Let’s dive into these tantalizing blends and discover the endless possibilities of this beloved beverage.

1. Thai Iced Tea with Coconut Milk

To prepare Thai Iced Tea with Coconut Milk, simply follow these steps:

  1. Start by brewing a potent pot of Thai black tea leaves. Use roughly 2 tablespoons of tea for every 1 cup of water.
  2. Allow the tea to steep for approximately 5 minutes, then strain out the tea leaves.
  3. While the tea is still hot, add your desired sweetener, such as sugar or condensed milk. Stir until the sweetener is completely dissolved.
  4. Allow the tea to cool down to room temperature, and then refrigerate it until it becomes chilled.
  5. Once the tea is cold, fill a glass with ice cubes.
  6. Gently pour the chilled Thai tea over the ice, filling the glass up to about three-quarters full.
  7. Finally, add a splash of coconut milk to the top of the glass.

Thai Iced Tea, also referred to as Cha Yen, is a popular and invigorating beverage in Thailand. Its origins can be traced back to the 1940s, when Thailand encountered a shortage of coffee during World War II. As an alternative, local tea vendors began offering a drink created from indigenous tea leaves and sweetened condensed milk. Over time, different versions of Thai Iced Tea emerged, including the incorporation of coconut milk, which imparts a creamy and tropical twist to the beverage. Today, Thai Iced Tea with Coconut Milk is savored not only in Thailand but also across the globe for its distinct flavors and refreshing qualities.

2. Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls

  • To make Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls, you will need:
  • Black tea leaves: Use about 2 tablespoons of black tea leaves to brew a strong tea base for the drink.
  • Sweetened condensed milk: Add about 2-3 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk to provide a creamy and sweet flavor to the tea.
  • Tapioca pearls: Prepare a separate batch of tapioca pearls by boiling them until they become soft and chewy. Around 1/4 cup of tapioca pearls can be added to each serving.
  • Sugar: Depending on your sweetness preference, add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls mixture.
  • Water: Use 1 cup of water to brew the black tea and dissolve the sugar. Extra water can be used to boil the tapioca pearls.

Steps to make Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls:

  1. Brew the black tea: Steep the black tea leaves in hot water for about 5 minutes, then strain the tea leaves and let the tea cool.
  2. Sweeten the tea: While the tea is still warm, add the desired amount of sugar and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add milk: Once the tea is cooled, pour it into a glass filled with ice. Then, slowly pour the sweetened condensed milk over the tea and stir gently.
  4. Add tapioca pearls: Place the cooked tapioca pearls into the glass with the tea and milk mixture.
  5. Serve and enjoy: Give the drink a quick stir to combine all the ingredients and enjoy your refreshing Thai Iced Tea with Boba/Tapioca Pearls!

Level up your Thai Iced Tea game with a jiggly twist: Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly.

3. Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly

To create a delicious Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly, simply follow these steps:

  1. Begin by brewing a robust pot of Thai iced tea using black tea leaves and water.
  2. Add sugar to the brewed tea, stirring until completely dissolved. Adjust the sweetness according to your personal preference.
  3. Transfer the sweetened tea into a container and allow it to cool in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  4. While the tea is cooling, prepare the coffee jelly. Dissolve gelatin in hot water, then add coffee and sugar. Stir until well blended.
  5. Pour the coffee jelly mixture into a shallow dish and refrigerate until set.
  6. Once both the tea and coffee jelly are prepared, carefully cut the coffee jelly into small, bite-sized cubes.
  7. Place a generous amount of ice cubes into a glass, then pour the desired quantity of tea over the ice.
  8. Gently place the coffee jelly cubes on top of the tea.
  9. If you desire, you can enhance the creaminess by adding a splash of sweetened condensed milk or evaporated milk as well.
  10. Gently stir everything together and savor the refreshing Thai Iced Tea with Coffee Jelly!

Coffee jelly gained immense popularity in Japan during the 1960s as a delicacy that combines coffee, gelatin, and sugar to create a jiggly dessert. Thai cuisine ingeniously integrated this concept into their traditional Thai Iced Tea, imparting a unique texture and flavor to the drink. The marriage of the fragrant and velvety Thai Iced Tea with the tender yet slightly bitter coffee jelly brings forth an invigorating and luscious beverage with a delightful caffeine boost. Since then, this innovative twist on the classic Thai Iced Tea recipe has captured the hearts of both tea and coffee enthusiasts alike.

Tips and Tricks for the Best Thai Iced Tea

Tips and Tricks for the Best Thai Iced Tea - thai iced tea recipe

Photo Credits: Www.Teamastershub.Com by Bruce Lewis

For the best Thai Iced Tea, here are some tips and tricks to consider:

  1. Tea Selection: Choose a high-quality Thai tea mix specifically made for Thai Iced Tea. Look for brands that use a blend of black tea and spices like star anise and cardamom for an authentic flavor.
  2. Strong Brew: Brew the tea with boiling water to ensure a strong and robust flavor. Steep the tea for at least 5 minutes to extract the maximum flavor.
  3. Strain the Tea: After brewing, strain the tea to remove any loose tea leaves or spices. This will result in a smoother and more enjoyable drinking experience.
  4. Add Sweetener: Thai Iced Tea is traditionally sweetened with condensed milk or sugar. Adjust the sweetness to your preference, keeping in mind that the tea should have a balanced flavor profile.
  5. Cooling and Chilling: Allow the brewed tea to cool down before pouring it over ice. This prevents the ice from melting too quickly and diluting the flavors. Once cooled, refrigerate the tea until it is chilled.
  6. Use Crushed Ice: When serving Thai Iced Tea, use crushed ice instead of regular ice cubes. This allows the tea to cool rapidly and ensures a refreshing and icy cold drink.
  7. Garnish with Mint or Lemon: For an extra touch of freshness, garnish your Thai Iced Tea with a sprig of mint or a slice of lemon. This adds a subtle aroma and enhances the visual appeal of the drink.
  8. Experiment with Variations: Feel free to experiment with different variations of Thai Iced Tea. You can add a splash of evaporated milk, coconut milk, or almond milk for a unique twist. You can also try incorporating flavors like vanilla or cinnamon.
  9. Serve with a Straw: Thai Iced Tea is traditionally served with a straw that allows you to mix the sweetened milk with the tea as you sip. This creates a beautiful layered effect and ensures a well-blended taste.
  10. Enjoy with Thai Cuisine: Thai Iced Tea pairs exceptionally well with spicy and flavorful Thai dishes. Consider serving it alongside your favorite Thai curries, stir-fries, or street food.

By following these tips and tricks, you can achieve the best Thai Iced Tea that is rich in flavor, refreshing, and perfectly balanced.

1. Can I use a different type of tea?

When making Thai iced tea, you may wonder, “Can I use a different type of tea?” The answer is yes, you can use a different type of tea to make Thai iced tea, but keep in mind that the flavor and appearance of the drink may vary.


  • Black tea: Traditional Thai iced tea is made with black tea leaves. This type of tea has a robust and bold flavor that pairs well with the other ingredients.


  • Green tea: If you prefer a lighter and more herbaceous taste, you can use green tea instead of black tea. Green tea will give the Thai iced tea a different flavor profile.


  • Oolong tea: Oolong tea is a semi-oxidized tea that falls between black and green tea in terms of flavor. It can be a great alternative if you want a balanced taste for your Thai iced tea.


  • Herbal tea: While not traditional, you can experiment with herbal teas like chamomile or hibiscus to create unique flavors in your Thai iced tea. Just keep in mind that the taste will be quite different from the traditional version.


Remember, the choice of tea will impact the overall taste and experience of your Thai iced tea, so feel free to explore different options and find the one that suits your preferences.

2. Can I use alternative sweeteners?

To answer the sub-topic “2. Can I use alternative sweeteners?” about Thai Iced Tea, here is a list of alternative sweeteners you can use instead of sugar:

  • Stevia: Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It is a zero-calorie sweetener that can be used in Thai Iced Tea to reduce the sugar content.
  • Honey: Honey is a natural sweetener that adds a distinct flavor to the tea. It is a healthier alternative to refined sugar and can be used to sweeten Thai Iced Tea.
  • Agave nectar: Agave nectar is a sweetener derived from the agave plant. It has a lower glycemic index compared to sugar, making it a suitable alternative for those watching their blood sugar levels.
  • Maple syrup: Maple syrup is a natural sweetener made from the sap of maple trees. It adds a rich, caramel-like flavor to Thai Iced Tea and can be used as a substitute for sugar.
  • Coconut sugar: Coconut sugar is derived from the sap of coconut palm trees. It has a lower glycemic index compared to regular sugar and adds a subtle caramel flavor to the tea.

When using alternative sweeteners, it is important to note that they may have different sweetness levels and flavors compared to sugar. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the amount of sweetener according to your taste preferences. Some alternative sweeteners may have a slightly different impact on the texture and consistency of the Thai Iced Tea.

3. Is Thai Iced Tea vegan-friendly?

Thai Iced Tea is not typically considered vegan-friendly due to the presence of dairy products in the traditional recipe. However, it is possible to make a vegan version of Thai Iced Tea by substituting the dairy milk with plant-based alternatives such as almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk. These alternatives can provide a similar creamy consistency and taste without the use of animal products. It’s important to check the ingredients of any store-bought Thai Iced Tea mixes to ensure they are vegan-friendly and do not contain any non-vegan additives or preservatives. By making your own Thai Iced Tea at home using vegan ingredients, you can enjoy this refreshing beverage while adhering to a vegan lifestyle.

4. How can I adjust the sweetness of the tea?

  1. To adjust the sweetness of Thai Iced Tea, follow these steps:
  2. Start with a smaller amount of sugar. Add around 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to a cup of brewed tea.
  3. Taste the tea and adjust the sweetness according to your preference. If you want it sweeter, add more sugar gradually, a teaspoon at a time.
  4. If you prefer a less sweet tea, reduce the amount of sugar by half a teaspoon at a time until it reaches your desired level of sweetness.
  5. In case the tea becomes too sweet, you can balance it by adding a bit of unsweetened evaporated milk or regular milk.
  6. Remember that sweetness can vary depending on factors like the brand of tea leaves and personal taste, so it’s always better to adjust gradually.

By following these steps, you can customize the sweetness of your Thai Iced Tea to perfectly suit your taste preferences.

Some Facts About Thai Iced Tea Recipe:

  • ✅ Thai iced tea is a popular and refreshing sweet tea made from Thai tea mix, milk, and sugar.
  • ✅ The traditional Thai Iced Tea is made with black tea, condensed milk, and crushed ice.
  • ✅ The bright orange color of Thai Iced Tea comes from the addition of orange food coloring.
  • ✅ Both the traditional and westernized versions of Thai Iced Tea can be found in Thailand.
  • ✅ Thai tea mixes often contain tea, sugar, and food coloring, and are available in different brands.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Thai iced tea and how is it made?

Thai iced tea is a popular and refreshing milky sweet tea beverage that originated as a street food drink in Thailand. It is made by steeping a tea mix in hot water, mixing it with sweetened condensed milk, and serving it over crushed ice. The orange color comes from the food coloring included in the tea mixes. You can make it at home by boiling water, adding the tea mix, letting it steep, straining it, and serving it over ice with condensed milk.

2. What ingredients can be used for the creamy layer in Thai iced tea?

Various ingredients can be used for the creamy layer in Thai iced tea, such as half and half, whole milk, coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, or low-fat milk. The choice of the creamy layer can be customized according to personal preference.

3. What are some recommended brands for Thai tea mixes?

For an authentic taste and bright orange color, Cha Thai Tea Mix and Cha Tra Mue Brand (Number One) Thai Tea Mix are suggested brands to buy.

4. How does the traditional Thai iced tea differ from the version found in the United States?

The traditional Thai iced tea is made with black tea, condensed milk, and crushed ice. The version found in the United States has added orange color and spices. Chefs would even use orange food coloring to enhance the color. Nowadays, both the traditional and westernized versions can be found in Thailand.

5. Can I use organic tea bags for an all-natural version of Thai iced tea?

Yes, organic black tea bags can be used as an alternative for an all-natural or organic version of Thai iced tea.

6. Is making Thai tea at home cost-effective compared to ordering it at a restaurant?

Yes, making Thai tea at home can save money and provide a bottomless pitcher of the delicious and refreshing beverage. You can customize the flavors and concentration according to your taste preferences, and it’s an easy and fun process to make at home.