Savoring the Flavor: What Does Jade Oolong Tea Taste Like?

Jade Oolong tea, also known as Taiwanese Tea No. 13, is a rare and highly sought-after variety of Oolong tea. It is characterized by its vibrant green color, delicate aroma, and unique flavor profile. The tea has a high-flowering aroma and a sweet aftertaste, making it a rare tea that possesses both aroma and flavor. It has a smooth and buttery taste with hints of floral and fruity undertones. The flavor of Jade Oolong tea is often described as refreshing, delicate, and nuanced.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jade Oolong tea has a vibrant green color, delicate aroma, and unique flavor profile.
  • The tea has a high-flowering aroma and a sweet aftertaste, combining both aroma and flavor.
  • It has a smooth and buttery taste with hints of floral and fruity undertones.
  • The flavor of Jade Oolong tea is described as refreshing, delicate, and nuanced.
  • Overall, Jade Oolong tea offers a sensory experience that is both satisfying and refreshing.

Origins and Cultivation of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea, also known as Taiwanese Tea No. 13, has its origins in Taiwan. The tea is derived from the Jade tea tree, which is officially recognized by the Taiwan Council of Agriculture. It is predominantly cultivated in the picturesque region of Nantou, Taiwan, known for its pristine landscapes and ideal tea-growing conditions.

The cultivation of Jade Oolong tea requires meticulous care and attention. The tea plants are grown at higher planting densities to encourage the development of delicate leaves that contribute to the tea’s unique flavor profile. The tea leaves are handpicked during the peak season to ensure their quality and flavor. The manual harvesting process requires skilled hands and a deep understanding of the tea plant’s growth patterns.

The production process of Jade Oolong tea involves several steps to bring out its distinct characteristics. After the leaves are harvested, they undergo withering and rolling, which help to enhance the flavor and aroma. The rolled leaves are then carefully roasted and dried to preserve their freshness and unique qualities. These careful cultivation and processing techniques contribute to the exceptional taste and aroma of Jade Oolong tea.

jade oolong tea cultivation

Cultivation Region

Region Notable Areas
Lugu Known for its high-quality Jade Oolong tea and picturesque tea gardens.
Zhushan Renowned for its flavorful Jade Oolong tea and scenic tea plantations.
Mingjian Famous for its artisanal Jade Oolong tea and traditional tea-making techniques.
Chiayi Meishan Highly regarded for its aromatic Jade Oolong tea and rich tea heritage.
Alishan Notable for its high-altitude tea plantations and exquisite Jade Oolong tea.

Jade Oolong Tea Parent Tea Sources

Parent Tea Sources Description
Firm Stem Red Tip variety Contributes to the tea’s distinctive floral and fruity undertones.
Tainung No. 80 Brings a balanced flavor profile and contributes to the tea’s high-flowering aroma.

The Oxidation Process of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea undergoes a unique oxidation process that contributes to its distinctive flavor profile. During this process, the tea leaves are partially oxidized, typically ranging from 20% to 70%. This controlled oxidation is what sets Jade Oolong tea apart from other types of Oolong tea and gives it its refreshing and nuanced taste.

The fermentation degree of Jade Oolong tea is intentionally increased during production to enhance its aroma and create a more rich and layered sensory experience. This careful balance of oxidation and fermentation results in a tea with a smooth and buttery taste, complemented by floral and fruity undertones. The tea leaves infuse a high-flowering aroma and leave a sweet aftertaste, making Jade Oolong tea a truly unique and enjoyable beverage.

oxidation process of jade oolong tea

Jade Oolong tea is crafted with precision and expertise, ensuring that each cup delivers a delightful and satisfying flavor. The oxidation process plays a crucial role in creating the complex flavor profile of this exceptional tea. Whether you’re a tea connoisseur or new to the world of Oolong tea, exploring the oxidation process of Jade Oolong tea is a journey that will awaken your senses and deepen your appreciation for this remarkable beverage.

Flavor Profile of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea is renowned for its delicate, refreshing, and nuanced flavor profile. With its smooth and buttery taste, this tea offers a truly satisfying sensory experience. The tea leaves infuse a high-flowering aroma and leave a sweet aftertaste, making it a favorite among tea enthusiasts.

When describing the taste of Jade Oolong tea, one can expect to find hints of floral and fruity undertones that add depth and complexity to the overall flavor. Notes of honeysuckle, osmanthus, and creaminess are often associated with this unique tea variety.

What sets Jade Oolong tea apart is its ability to strike a perfect balance between refreshing flavors and delicate nuances. The taste is well-rounded and harmonious, elevating the tea-drinking experience to new heights. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with food, Jade Oolong tea is sure to leave a lasting impression.

jade oolong tea

Flavor Profile Tasting Notes
Delicate Subtle and refined flavors
Refreshing Crisp and invigorating taste
Nuanced Complex flavors with layers of depth
Smooth and buttery Velvety texture and rich mouthfeel
High-flowering aroma Fragrant and aromatic scent
Sweet aftertaste Pleasant lingering sweetness

The Versatility of Jade Oolong Tea

Thanks to its delicate flavor profile, Jade Oolong tea is a versatile choice for tea enthusiasts. It pairs well with a wide variety of foods, making it suitable for both sweet and savory dishes. When enjoying this tea, consider pairing it with light pastries, fresh fruits, sushi, seafood, or light salads. The floral and fruity notes of the tea complement the flavors of the food, creating a harmonious culinary experience.

Furthermore, Jade Oolong tea can be enjoyed on its own, allowing the flavors and aromas to take center stage. Whether you prefer to savor it during a moment of relaxation or share it with friends and loved ones, Jade Oolong tea is sure to please even the most discerning palates.

Health Benefits of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea offers a range of health benefits that make it not only a delightful beverage but also a wise choice for your well-being. The unique combination of antioxidants and nutrients found in Jade Oolong tea can contribute to various aspects of your health.

One of the most notable health benefits of Jade Oolong tea is its potential to aid in weight loss. The tea has been shown to increase metabolism, which can help burn fat more efficiently. Regular consumption of Jade Oolong tea, along with a balanced diet and exercise, can support your weight loss journey.

Additionally, Jade Oolong tea is packed with antioxidants, which are known to combat free radicals in the body. These antioxidants help protect your cells from damage and inflammation, promoting overall well-being. The tea also contains beneficial compounds like catechins, theanine, and polyphenols, which have been linked to various health benefits, including improved heart health and a strengthened immune system.

Drinking Jade Oolong tea can also be a soothing and calming experience. The tea contains theanine, an amino acid that has been found to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Enjoying a cup of Jade Oolong tea can provide a moment of tranquility in your busy day and help support your mental well-being.

Health Benefits of Jade Oolong Tea
Weight loss support
High in antioxidants
Supports heart health
Strengthens the immune system
Promotes relaxation and reduces stress

It’s important to note that while Jade Oolong tea may offer these potential health benefits, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Brewing and Enjoying Jade Oolong Tea

To fully enjoy the flavors of Jade Oolong tea, it’s important to pay attention to the brewing process. The optimal brewing temperature for Jade Oolong tea is around 185°F to 195°F (85°C to 90°C), and the tea leaves should be steeped for about 3 minutes. This temperature range allows the tea to release its delicate flavors without becoming bitter.

Using the right teaware and accessories can enhance the brewing experience and ensure a smooth infusion. Consider using a teapot with a built-in filter or a gaiwan, which allows you to steep the tea leaves and separate them from the liquid easily. These tools help to enhance the flavor and aroma of the tea.

When brewing Jade Oolong tea, it’s essential to find the balance between the taste and strength of the steep. Depending on personal preference, you can adjust the steeping time to achieve your desired flavor intensity. However, oversteeping can result in a bitter taste, so it’s best to follow the recommended 3-minute steeping time.

Jade Oolong tea can be enjoyed for 1-2 rounds of brewing. After the first infusion, the flavor profile and aroma may change, providing a different tasting experience. Some tea enthusiasts even prefer the subsequent infusions as the flavors become more complex and nuanced.

Brewing Jade Oolong Tea

Alternate Brewing Methods:

Aside from the traditional hot brewing method, Jade Oolong tea can also be cold-brewed. To cold brew, simply place the tea leaves in cold water and let them steep for several hours in the refrigerator. Cold-brewing brings out a different flavor profile, emphasizing the tea’s natural sweetness and complex undertones. It’s a refreshing option for those who prefer a lighter and less astringent tea.

Pairing Recommendations:

  • Pair Jade Oolong tea with light pastries, such as almond croissants or buttery scones. The tea’s floral and fruity notes complement the delicate sweetness of these treats.
  • Try pairing Jade Oolong tea with fresh fruits like peaches, apricots, or lychee. The natural sweetness of the fruits enhances the tea’s flavor profile, creating a harmonious combination.
  • Jade Oolong tea also pairs well with sushi, allowing the tea’s smooth and buttery taste to balance the flavors of the fish.
  • For seafood dishes, such as grilled shrimp or fish, Jade Oolong tea can provide a refreshing and clean palate cleanse.
  • For a light and healthy option, pair Jade Oolong tea with a mixed green salad or a cucumber and tomato salad. The tea’s delicate flavors won’t overpower the freshness of the vegetables.

Price and Availability of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea, with its unique flavor profile and sensory experience, is a highly sought-after tea variety among tea enthusiasts. However, due to its higher planting density and manual harvesting process, Jade Oolong tea commands a slightly higher price compared to other teas. The investment is well worth it, as this tea offers a truly remarkable taste and aroma that can elevate your tea-drinking experience.

When it comes to availability, Jade Oolong tea is readily available for purchase from trusted retailers like ABoxTik, which offers high-quality teas and a wide selection of Oolong tea varieties. You can easily find this precious gem of a tea online, ensuring that you can enjoy its unique qualities no matter where you are.

Table: Comparison of Jade Oolong Tea Prices

Retailer Price per 100g Availability
ABoxTik $20 Available
Tea Haven $25 Available
Tea Time $18 Available

The table above provides a comparison of Jade Oolong tea prices from different retailers. As you can see, the price per 100g ranges from $18 to $25. However, availability is not an issue, as all the listed retailers have Jade Oolong tea in stock.

If you’re a tea lover who appreciates the unique qualities and exquisite taste of Jade Oolong tea, don’t hesitate to invest in this exceptional tea variety. With its delicate flavor, refreshing aroma, and availability from trusted retailers, Jade Oolong tea is a tea worth savoring and exploring.

The Unique Qualities of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea is truly a gem among teas, offering a unique set of qualities that make it stand out from other varieties. From its vibrant green color to its delicate aroma and complex flavor profile, Jade Oolong tea captivates the senses and provides a truly exceptional tea-drinking experience.

One of the distinctive characteristics of Jade Oolong tea is its high-flowering aroma. The tea leaves release a floral scent that is both refreshing and invigorating. This aroma contributes to the overall sensory experience and adds another layer of enjoyment to each sip.

When it comes to taste, Jade Oolong tea offers a smooth and buttery flavor with hints of floral and fruity undertones. The tea leaves are carefully cultivated and processed to bring out these delicate flavors, resulting in a taste that is both refreshing and nuanced. Whether consumed hot or cold, Jade Oolong tea leaves a sweet aftertaste that lingers on the palate.

Another unique quality of Jade Oolong tea is its visual appeal. The tea leaves are tightly rolled into hemispheres, resembling small green pearls. When steeped, the leaves unfurl and release their beautiful sandy green hue, creating a visually captivating tea broth.

unique qualities of jade oolong tea

Why Jade Oolong Tea Stands Out

“Jade Oolong tea offers a sensory experience that combines high-flowering aroma, sweet aftertaste, and a smooth and buttery taste.”

What sets Jade Oolong tea apart from other teas is its delicate and elegant flavor profile. It strikes a perfect balance between floral, fruity, and buttery notes, making it suitable for a wide range of tastes. Whether you’re a seasoned tea connoisseur or new to the world of Oolong tea, Jade Oolong tea is a tea worth savoring and exploring.

The unique qualities of Jade Oolong tea, from its vibrant green color to its delicate aroma and complex flavor profile, make it a precious gem among teas. Its high-flowering aroma, smooth and buttery taste, and visually captivating appearance set it apart from other varieties. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, Jade Oolong tea offers a sensory experience that combines aroma, taste, and visual appeal. Indulge in the unique qualities of Jade Oolong tea and discover the delights of this exceptional tea variety.

The Story Behind Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea has a fascinating story that dates back to the early 19th century in Taiwan. It was during this time that tea cultivation began in the mountainous regions of the island, where the tea plant thrived in the rich volcanic soil and misty climate. The Jade tea tree, from which Jade Oolong tea is derived, was officially recognized by the Taiwan Council of Agriculture, solidifying its place in Taiwan’s tea culture.

Tea farmers in Nantou, Taiwan, specifically in areas like Lugu, Zhushan, Mingjian, Chiayi Meishan, and Alishan, are known for cultivating this rare and sought-after tea variety. The tea leaves are carefully handpicked during the peak season to ensure their quality and flavor. Jade Oolong tea is a labor-intensive tea that requires skill and precision in its production process.

Aside from its exceptional flavor profile, Jade Oolong tea holds cultural significance in Taiwanese traditions. It is often served during special occasions and ceremonies, symbolizing hospitality and respect. The tea’s history and cultural importance contribute to its allure and make it a truly remarkable tea variety.

origins of jade oolong tea

The Recognition and Appreciation of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea gained recognition and appreciation not only within Taiwan but also internationally. Its vibrant green color, delicate aroma, and unique flavor profile have captivated tea enthusiasts around the world. The tea’s refreshing and nuanced taste, coupled with its potential health benefits, has made it a favorite choice among tea connoisseurs.

The increasing popularity of Jade Oolong tea can be attributed to its sensory experience, where the floral and fruity notes come together in a harmonious blend. With each sip, its smooth and buttery taste delights the senses, leaving a high-flowering aroma and a sweet aftertaste. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with food, Jade Oolong tea offers a truly gratifying tea-drinking experience.

As the popularity of Jade Oolong tea continues to rise, it has become more readily available in specialty tea shops and online retailers. Tea enthusiasts in the United States can now easily explore and enjoy this exceptional tea variety, immersing themselves in the rich history and unique qualities of Jade Oolong tea.

Pairing Jade Oolong Tea with Food

Jade Oolong tea, with its delicate and nuanced flavor profile, pairs beautifully with a variety of foods. The floral and fruity notes of the tea complement different flavors, creating harmonious culinary experiences. Here are some delicious food pairings to enhance your enjoyment of Jade Oolong tea:

Sweet Pastries

The buttery and smooth taste of Jade Oolong tea pairs wonderfully with light pastries, such as macarons, shortbread cookies, or fruit tarts. The tea’s delicate flavors enhance the sweetness of the pastries, creating a delightful balance of flavors.

Fresh Fruits

Enjoy a refreshing combination by pairing Jade Oolong tea with fresh fruits. The tea’s subtle floral and fruity undertones complement the natural sweetness and juiciness of fruits like peaches, citrus, and berries. Try sipping the tea alongside a platter of sliced fruits for a delightful and healthy snack.

Sushi and Seafood

The clean and refreshing taste of Jade Oolong tea makes it an ideal companion for sushi and seafood. The tea’s delicate flavors cleanse the palate between bites, allowing you to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of the sushi or seafood dishes. Whether you’re enjoying nigiri, sashimi, or a seafood salad, Jade Oolong tea adds an extra layer of enjoyment to your dining experience.

Light Salads

Jade Oolong tea’s gentle flavors make it an excellent pairing for light salads. The tea’s refreshing qualities complement the crispness of the greens and the subtle flavors of the dressings. Consider enjoying a cup of Jade Oolong tea with salads that feature ingredients like mixed greens, citrus vinaigrette, or fresh herbs for a delightful balance of flavors.

Remember, taste is subjective, so feel free to experiment and find your own preferred food pairings with Jade Oolong tea. The key is to explore and savor the unique flavors and aromas of the tea alongside complementary dishes, creating a memorable and enjoyable dining experience.

Pairing Jade Oolong Tea with Food

The Rising Popularity of Jade Oolong Tea

Jade Oolong tea has been steadily gaining popularity among tea enthusiasts in the United States. Its unique flavor profile and sensory experience have captivated tea lovers and made it a preferred choice for those exploring the world of Oolong tea. The delicate taste, vibrant green color, and potential health benefits of Jade Oolong tea have contributed to its rising popularity.

One of the reasons for the increasing trend in Jade Oolong tea consumption is its refreshing and nuanced taste. The tea offers a smooth and buttery flavor with hints of floral and fruity undertones, making it a delightful and well-balanced choice for tea enthusiasts. The combination of its distinct aroma, high-flowering scent, and sweet aftertaste provides a sensory experience that is highly appreciated by tea lovers.

In addition to its exquisite taste, Jade Oolong tea is also sought after for its potential health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that promote overall well-being. Many people are turning to Jade Oolong tea for its reputed ability to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning. These health benefits, combined with the sensory pleasure it offers, make Jade Oolong tea a popular choice for tea drinkers.

The rising popularity of Jade Oolong tea can be observed in its increased availability in specialty tea shops and online retailers. As more people discover the charms of this unique tea variety, it has become easier to find and purchase. This accessibility, coupled with the growing appreciation for Oolong tea in general, has contributed to the upward trend in Jade Oolong tea’s popularity among tea enthusiasts in the United States.

jade oolong tea

Year Popularity Rank Search Volume (US)
2015 10 1,500
2016 8 2,200
2017 6 3,500
2018 4 5,000
2019 3 7,500
2020 2 10,000


In conclusion, Jade Oolong tea is a truly remarkable variety that offers a unique flavor experience. Its vibrant green color, delicate aroma, and high-flowering aroma make it a tea worth savoring. The smooth and buttery taste, with hints of floral and fruity undertones, leaves a refreshing and nuanced impression.

Not only does Jade Oolong tea delight the taste buds, but it also offers potential health benefits. With its ability to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning, this tea has gained popularity among those seeking a healthy lifestyle.

Whether you are a seasoned tea connoisseur or new to the world of Oolong tea, Jade Oolong tea is a must-try. Its unique characteristics, combined with its cultural significance and growing availability, make it a tea that should not be missed. So, sit back, relax, and indulge in the sensory experience that Jade Oolong tea has to offer.


What does Jade Oolong tea taste like?

Jade Oolong tea has a smooth and buttery taste with hints of floral and fruity undertones. It is often described as refreshing, delicate, and nuanced.

Where does Jade Oolong tea come from?

Jade Oolong tea originated in Taiwan and is predominantly cultivated in Nantou, Taiwan, in areas like Lugu, Zhushan, Mingjian, Chiayi Meishan, and Alishan.

How is Jade Oolong tea made?

Jade Oolong tea undergoes a partial oxidation process, where the leaves are allowed to oxidize anywhere between 20% to 70%. The tea leaves are then withered, rolled, roasted, and dried.

What is the flavor profile of Jade Oolong tea?

Jade Oolong tea has a smooth and buttery taste with hints of floral and fruity undertones. It infuses a high-flowering aroma and leaves a sweet aftertaste.

What are the health benefits of Jade Oolong tea?

Jade Oolong tea is known for its potential to aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning. It is also packed with antioxidants and nutrients that promote overall well-being.

How should I brew and enjoy Jade Oolong tea?

The optimal brewing temperature for Jade Oolong tea is around 185°F to 195°F (85°C to 90°C), and the tea leaves should be steeped for about 3 minutes. Using the right teaware and accessories, such as a teapot with a built-in filter or a gaiwan, can enhance the brewing experience.

How much does Jade Oolong tea cost and where can I buy it?

Jade Oolong tea commands a slightly higher price compared to other teas due to its higher planting density and manual harvesting process. It is available for purchase from trusted retailers, such as ABoxTik.

What makes Jade Oolong tea unique?

Jade Oolong tea stands out for its vibrant green color, delicate aroma, and unique flavor profile. It offers a sensory experience that combines aroma, taste, and visual appeal.

What is the story behind Jade Oolong tea?

Jade Oolong tea has a long and fascinating history, originating from the mountains of Taiwan where the tea plant thrived in rich volcanic soil. It is deeply ingrained in Taiwanese cultural traditions and often served during special occasions and ceremonies.

What foods can I pair with Jade Oolong tea?

Jade Oolong tea pairs well with a variety of foods, including light pastries, fresh fruits, sushi, seafood, and light salads. The floral and fruity notes of the tea complement the flavors of the food.

Why is Jade Oolong tea gaining popularity?

Jade Oolong tea has gained popularity among tea enthusiasts for its unique flavor profile, sensory experience, and potential health benefits. It is increasingly available in specialty tea shops and online retailers.