Unraveling the Secret: What is Four Seasons Tea?

Welcome to the fascinating world of Four Seasons Tea, a beloved blend enjoyed by tea enthusiasts across the United States and beyond. This aromatic and lightly oxidized oolong tea, also known as Four Seasons Oolong, originates from Mingjian Township in Nantou County, Taiwan. It is made from the Si Ji Chun cultivar, known as Four Seasons Spring, which was discovered in the 1980s. With its fresh and light flowery aroma, Four Seasons Tea is perfect for any season.

Key Takeaways:

  • Four Seasons Tea is a type of oolong tea grown in Taiwan.
  • It is made from the Si Ji Chun cultivar, which has a fresh and light flowery aroma.
  • The tea has a smooth and light liquor with floral notes and a hint of sweetness.
  • Four Seasons Tea can be brewed multiple times, increasing the steeping time with each subsequent brew.
  • It is a beloved blend among tea lovers and serves as a great introduction to oolong tea.

The History of Four Seasons Tea

The story of Four Seasons Tea begins in Taiwan in the 1980s when a new cultivar called Si Ji Chun, or Four Seasons Spring, was discovered. This cultivar was named after its unique ability to produce a fresh and light flowery aroma all year round. The discovery of Si Ji Chun revolutionized the world of oolong tea, as it introduced a new flavor profile and versatility to tea production.

The Si Ji Chun cultivar quickly gained popularity among tea farmers in Mingjian Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. Its ability to thrive in different seasons and resist pests made it an attractive option for cultivation. Farmers began harvesting the young spring leaves of the Si Ji Chun cultivar and using them to create a special type of oolong tea – Four Seasons Tea.

“The discovery of Si Ji Chun revolutionized the world of oolong tea, as it introduced a new flavor profile and versatility to tea production.”

Today, Four Seasons Tea is known for its delicate flavor and floral fragrance. The tea leaves are carefully harvested and then tightly rolled into bright and darker green pearls, resembling the shape of tea leaves in their natural state. This unique rolling process helps to preserve the aroma and flavor of the tea, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable drinking experience.

Four Seasons Tea has become a beloved choice among tea connoisseurs worldwide. Its rich history and distinct characteristics continue to captivate tea enthusiasts, making it a true gem in the world of oolong tea.

Key Elements Four Seasons Tea
Origin Taiwan, Mingjian Township, Nantou County
Cultivar Si Ji Chun (Four Seasons Spring)
Flavor Delicate, floral, lightly sweet
Preparation Steeped in 90°C water for 3-4 minutes
Versatility Darker oolongs, roasted oolongs, aged teas, scented teas

four seasons tea history

Flavors and Aromas of Four Seasons Tea

Sip into a world of delightful flavors as we explore the floral and lightly sweet notes that make Four Seasons Tea so distinctive. This aromatic oolong tea, made from the Si Ji Chun cultivar, offers a refreshing experience for your taste buds.

When brewed, Four Seasons Tea releases a captivating aroma of fresh flowers, reminiscent of springtime. As the tea unfurls, it reveals a smooth and light liquor with a delicate yet complex flavor profile. The initial sip tingles your palate with a gentle floral sweetness, followed by hints of fruitiness and a subtle, lingering aftertaste.

The balance of flavors in Four Seasons Tea is truly remarkable. It exudes just the right amount of sweetness without overpowering the senses, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a more nuanced tea-drinking experience. Whether you prefer it hot or iced, this versatile tea captivates with its delightful flavors.

four seasons tea flavors

Flavor Notes Intensity
Floral Medium
Light Sweetness Medium
Fruity Subtle

Experience the joy of sipping Four Seasons Tea and let its flavors transport you to a serene tea garden in the heart of Taiwan. Its harmonious blend of aromas and tastes will surely elevate your tea-drinking ritual to new heights.

The Versatility of Four Seasons Tea

Discover the versatility of Four Seasons Tea as we explore its various forms, including darker and roasted oolongs, aged teas, and scented teas. This unique tea variety offers a wide range of flavors and aromas to suit different preferences and occasions.

One popular variation of Four Seasons Tea is the darker oolong. Through longer oxidation and roasting processes, the leaves develop a richer flavor profile with deeper notes of caramel and roasted nuts. This robust oolong is perfect for those who enjoy a stronger and more complex brew.

Aged Four Seasons Tea, on the other hand, undergoes a special aging process that enhances its flavors and mellows out its astringency. The result is a smooth and earthy tea with a depth of character. Aged oolongs are highly sought after by tea connoisseurs for their unique taste and complexity.

For those who prefer a fragrant and aromatic tea experience, scented Four Seasons Tea is an excellent choice. In this process, the tea leaves are infused with flowers such as jasmine, osmanthus, or rose. The gentle floral notes combine harmoniously with the natural sweetness of the oolong, creating a delightful sensory experience.

To fully appreciate the versatility of Four Seasons Tea, explore the different forms it comes in and experiment with brewing methods to bring out the unique characteristics of each variety. Whether you prefer a bold and robust cup or a delicate and aromatic brew, Four Seasons Tea offers something for every tea enthusiast.

four seasons tea varieties

Tea Variety Flavor Profile Brewing Recommendations
Darker Oolong Rich, caramel, roasted nuts Water at 90°C, steep for 3-4 minutes
Aged Oolong Smooth, earthy, mellow Water at 90°C, steep for 3-4 minutes
Scented Oolong Fragrant, floral, sweet Water at 90°C, steep for 3-4 minutes

Brewing the Perfect Cup of Four Seasons Tea

Learn the art of brewing Four Seasons Tea to perfection with our simple and practical brewing guide. Whether you’re a tea enthusiast or a beginner, these easy steps will ensure a delightful cup of this fragrant oolong.

To start, gather your supplies. You will need a teapot or teacup, quality Four Seasons Tea leaves, and water heated to 90°C. The tea leaves should be measured at a ratio of 1 teaspoon per cup of water, but feel free to adjust according to your personal preference.

Place the tea leaves into the teapot or teacup and pour the hot water over them. Let the leaves steep for 3-4 minutes, allowing the flavors to fully develop. You can cover the teapot or cup with a lid or infuser to enhance the infusion process.

Once the steeping time is complete, strain the tea into your teacup or pour it directly from the teapot. Take a moment to appreciate the delicate aroma that fills the air. Savor each sip, noticing the smoothness and subtle sweetness of the tea. You can also experiment with longer steeping times for a stronger flavor or multiple infusions to fully enjoy the versatility of Four Seasons Tea.

To enhance your tea experience, pair your cup of Four Seasons Tea with light snacks or desserts that complement its floral profile. The delicate flavors and refreshing qualities of this oolong tea make it a versatile and enjoyable beverage.

how to brew four seasons tea

Supplies Ratio Water Temperature Steeping Time
Teapot or Teacup 1 teaspoon per cup of water 90°C 3-4 minutes

Where to Buy Four Seasons Tea

Ready to embark on your Four Seasons Tea journey? Discover the best places to buy this enchanting tea blend. Whether you’re a tea connoisseur or a casual drinker, these retailers offer a wide selection of Four Seasons Tea varieties to satisfy your taste buds.

1. Online Retailers

Online platforms provide convenience and accessibility, allowing you to explore and purchase Four Seasons Tea from the comfort of your home. Websites like TeaVivre, Eco-Cha, and Yunomi offer a range of options with detailed descriptions, customer reviews, and competitive pricing. They also provide shipping services, ensuring your favorite Four Seasons Tea arrives at your doorstep in no time.

2. Specialty Tea Stores

If you prefer a more personalized experience, visit your local specialty tea stores. These establishments often carry a curated selection of high-quality teas, including Four Seasons Tea. Teahouses, tea boutiques, and Asian grocery stores are great places to discover unique blends and connect with tea enthusiasts who can provide expert recommendations.

3. Farmers’ Markets and Tea Festivals

For an immersive tea-buying experience, visit farmers’ markets and tea festivals in your area. These events showcase local tea growers and artisans, giving you the opportunity to taste and purchase freshly harvested Four Seasons Tea. You can also learn about tea production processes, attend workshops, and connect with the tea community, making your journey into the world of Four Seasons Tea even more fulfilling.

Where to Buy Four Seasons Tea

Remember, each cup of Four Seasons Tea offers a unique sensory experience, so it’s worth exploring different sources to find your preferred flavors and aromas. Whether you choose to buy online, visit a specialty store, or attend a local tea event, the journey to discover the perfect Four Seasons Tea is just as delightful as the tea itself.

Pros Cons
Convenient online shopping Limited in-store selection
Wide variety of options No opportunity to taste before purchasing
Customer reviews and descriptions available Shipping costs may apply
Opportunity to support local tea growers Availability may vary depending on location

Now that you know where to buy Four Seasons Tea, it’s time to embark on your tea journey and indulge in the exquisite flavors and aromas that this enchanting tea blend has to offer. Cheers to a wonderful tea-filled adventure!


In conclusion, Four Seasons Tea is a refreshing and aromatic oolong tea that captivates tea lovers with its floral aroma, smooth taste, and versatility. Made from the Si Ji Chun cultivar, this unique tea is grown in Mingjian Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. With its fresh and light flowery aroma all year round, Four Seasons Tea is a delightful choice for any season.

When brewed, Four Seasons Tea reveals its true beauty, with its bright and darker green rolled leaves transforming into a smooth and light liquor. Its floral profile and lightly sweet notes create a truly enjoyable tea-drinking experience. It can be brewed multiple times, allowing tea enthusiasts to savor its flavors and aromas with each steep.

What sets Four Seasons Tea apart is its versatility. It can be used to make various styles of oolong tea, including darker and roasted oolongs, aged teas, and scented teas. This makes it a favorite among tea aficionados who appreciate the range of flavors and options that Four Seasons Tea offers.

To brew the perfect cup of Four Seasons Tea, water at 90°C is recommended, with a steeping time of 3-4 minutes. Feel free to experiment with different steeping times for a more customized experience. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite snacks, Four Seasons Tea is a delightful everyday drink that is sure to satisfy any tea lover’s palate.


Q: What is Four Seasons Tea?

A: Four Seasons Tea, also known as Four Seasons Oolong, is a type of aromatic, lightly oxidized oolong tea grown in Mingjian Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. It is made from the Si Ji Chun cultivar, which has a fresh and light flowery aroma all year round.

Q: How is Four Seasons Tea brewed?

A: To brew Four Seasons Tea, it is best to use water at 90°C and steep for 3-4 minutes. The tea can be brewed multiple times, increasing the steeping time with each subsequent brew if desired.

Q: What flavors does Four Seasons Tea have?

A: Four Seasons Tea has a smooth and light liquor with a floral profile and lightly sweet notes. It is a refreshing and satisfying everyday drink.

Q: Can Four Seasons Tea be used to make different styles of oolong?

A: Yes, Four Seasons Tea is versatile and can be used to make different styles of oolong, including darker and roasted oolongs, aged teas, and scented teas.

Q: Where can I buy Four Seasons Tea?

A: Four Seasons Tea can be purchased from specialty tea shops, online tea retailers, and possibly local markets that carry Taiwanese teas.